👋🏽 Hi I am Jule


Front-end Developer based in Germany

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I would like to show you some of my projects so far.

Yogurt Image

Yogurt Project

As a front-end developer, I had the pleasure of working on a website for a plant-based yogurt product, which I coded using HTML and CSS. The website's primary focus was to showcase the product and provide visitors with information about its benefits and features. To achieve this goal, I carefully selected a high-quality image that accurately represented the product and its packaging. I made sure to align the image properly with the text to create a cohesive layout. I also added colors and emojis to the website to make it more visually appealing and engaging. In addition to the design elements, I researched other relevant websites to gain inspiration and ensure that my design aligned with industry standards. By referencing other websites, I was able to incorporate best practices into my work and create a website that is both user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Overall, I am proud of the work I accomplished on this project. I was able to use my skills as a front-end developer to create a website that effectively showcases the product while providing a positive user experience. The attention to detail, use of design elements, and incorporation of industry standards all contribute to a successful project that I am excited to showcase in my portfolio.

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Weather App

I had the opportunity to work on a weather app that was coded using HTML, CSS, and Javascript in the VS Code editor. The primary goal of the app was to provide users with accurate and up-to-date weather information for their location. To achieve this goal, I integrated data from an API that provided real-time weather updates. Additionally, I used Bootstrap to improve the overall design of the app and ensure that it was mobile-responsive and accessible to all users. Furthermore, I took care to ensure that the app was user-friendly and easy to navigate. I incorporated clear and concise icons and graphics to represent different weather conditions, making it simple for users to quickly understand the information displayed on the app. Finally, I uploaded the app to GitHub and hosted it on Netlify, ensuring that it was easily accessible to users and that updates and improvements could be made quickly and efficiently. Overall, I am proud of the work I accomplished on this weather app. It effectively uses data from an API to provide users with accurate weather information, while also prioritizing a clean and user-friendly design. The integration of Bootstrap and hosting on Netlify further contribute to a successful project that I am excited to showcase in my portfolio.

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weather app

Camper Website

I had the opportunity to work on a camper app that was coded using HTML, CSS, and Javascript in the VS Code editor. The project was a bit freestyle, allowing me to exercise my creativity and explore different design elements. To achieve this goal, I focused on creating a clean and user-friendly design that prioritized ease of navigation and a seamless user experience. I incorporated interactive elements and animations to engage users and create an immersive experience that felt unique and engaging. I also took care to ensure that the app was mobile-responsive and accessible to all users, regardless of their device or preferred method of accessing the internet. Finally, I paid close attention to the technical details of the app, working to optimize code and ensure that it ran smoothly and efficiently. This required a careful balance between functionality and design, as I worked to create an app that was both visually appealing and technically sound. Overall, I am proud of the work I accomplished on this camper app. It provided me with an opportunity to exercise my creativity and explore different design elements, while also prioritizing a clean and user-friendly design. The attention to detail and careful consideration of technical factors further contribute to a successful project that I am excited to showcase in my portfolio.

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